Heaviest Bench Press World Record

Younger men are typically able to bench press more than older men and men in general.
Heaviest bench press world record. Wlw ladies championship. George hackenschmidt hack s record stood for seventeen years until joe nordquest broke it by a kilogram in 1916 and a hundred years later the exercise had evolved into the bench press and the. The heaviest bench press in a single lift is 401 5 kg 885 lbs 2 oz achieved by blaine sumner b 22 june 1987.
No big deal just the heaviest bench press of all time. Heaviest lift james henderson is the current world record holder for heaviest drug tested raw bench press in history and the highest raw bench press ever done in a full powerlifting 3 lift meet squat bench press deadlift. 377 5 kg squat june 4 2005 272 5 kg bench press june 4 2005 290 5 kg deadlift june 4 2005 873 kg total june 4 2005 professional wrestling.
Maddox s world record attempt was originally scheduled for june 27th but was moved up a week in the wus schedule. In late june 35 year old will barotti made a jaw dropping multiply equipped bench press of 1 105 pounds 501 2kg and the biggest bench in. 710 5 kg total june 14 2002 90 kg class.
Ryan kennelly 2008 489 8kg 1080lbs 3. Bench press world records. Tiny meeker 2013 500kg 1102lbs 4.
On april 12th 2008 kennelly set the bench press record with a lift of 1070 lbs 486 kg during the american powerlifting association open iron war held in kennewick washington. Blaine also squat lifted 500 kg during the competition. Gene rychlak 2006 458kg 1010lbs 2.
The average weight most adult men and women can bench press depends on age fitness level and other factors. Scot mendelson 2012 505 7kg 1115lbs 5. The current world equipped record with shirt is held by will barotti at 1 105 lb 501 kg.